On the Go
at Hand
RACEMATE - This platform will serve as a mate to everyone who works in the racing game. Delivering best practice instructional videos and supporting articles, additional documents for those who wish to learn more. Translation is available for those still learning our language - both English and horse. If words aren't your game for any reason, we have got you covered, everything is spoken and you will be able to speak to search for the content you are seeking. Inclusive of those in the industry with broad and established knowledge. Webinars are available every fortnight so you can learn more from qualified voices in the industry with a passion for what they do. RACEMATE will be there applauding you all as you celebrate the winners. For the business, your MATE Manager will be able to provide to you in detail what, when and how each user is utlising the platform. With the adaptability that our horses require, we will cater to your needs so that you have the time to do what you love on the ground and achieve success in the winners circle. Everything is customisable from how many subscriptions you need for your business to the Welcome Pack for new staff, to special content that is unique to your way of doing things. The most important part is our communication with you - if you aren't a fan of technology we are here for you we are a call, text, email or coffee away. We are here to do some heavy lifting, in person and online. ​
STUDMATE - Hot on the heels of RACEMATE comes our Thoroughbred Breeding platform. with the same deliverables as the RACEMATE platform, STUDMATE will be with you through all the elements each season brings. It will deliver content covering all foundational aspects of the breeding farm from the foals, yearlings, broodmare, stallions, and farming. Continuing to support and further educate those with higher education and knowledge with fortnightly webinars available to all users regardless of their location or what the day may bring, the convienience of having access in your pocket where you can fill in down time by expanding your knowledge instead of socials. A unique feature to STUDMATE is its offline-capable app for emergency situations for functionality when you may need it most. For the business, your MATE Manager will be able to provide to you in detail what, when and how each user is utlising the platform. We will offer classroom days for those who desire to do some onsite training so staff memebers don't have to leave work to attend. With the adaptability that our horses require, we will cater to your needs so that you have the time to do what you love on the ground and achieve success in the breeding barn, sales ring and the winners circle. Everything is customisable from how many subscriptions you need for your business to the Welcome Pack for new staff, to special content that is unique to your way of doing things. The most important part is our communication with you - if you aren't a fan of technology we are here for you we are a call, text, email or coffee away. We are here to do some heavy lifting, in person and online.
HORSEFIT - currently in development. This platform is the largest build and the most interactive of the three platforms. Providing its users with the vitally important deliverables of the MATE platforms with the addtion of fitness plans for the horse, a professional services directory, add on for individual training plans, merchandise, group training and more. HORSEFIT will provide the equestrian members with the necessary, proven best practice knowledge and skills in handling, husbandry, and fitness that will guide them through the best pathway to success. Allowing them the capability to provide their own horses with the higher standard of welfare that they deserve. Also providing fortnightly webinars with specialists from all over the world in the many areas of horse ownership by people who love what they do. With the same functionality as its sister platforms, HORSEFIT will cater to the many regardless of discipline, experience, breed, or capability. It will empower owners to become better horse people and create a stronger more educated environment for the horse to thrive in. With an exciting app to be released as well.